
Hardek is the third planet in the Andolann system. It is an arid world with a thin atmosphere. The temperature rarely reaches above 50 degrees farenheight. The earliest colonists from the Lea system began teraforming the planet but soon decided that it was not worth the effort. That changed when ancient ruins were discovered beneath the sands. Teraforming has resumed and there are now three permanent settlements on the planet's surface. The smallest settlement is a research base maintained by the Andolann University, the largest is the government run teraforming base. On the far side of the planet from these two settlements is a pirate base that is the center of the Herdekan antiquities trade. Hardek has no natural satellites but an orbital space station acts as administrative center for the planet. Most of the legitimate commerce of the planet takes place on Hardek Station.

Most inhabitants of Hardek avoid contact with the abrasive atmosphere unless absolutely necessary. Space suits and special environmental suits provide protection from the elements but they are very expensive, and space suits do not hold up well to the wind-born sand. Most civilians on Hardek make due with layers of clothes topped off with a heavy robe and scarves. Eye, nose, and mouth protection are essential.

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