The world is cursed by a virulent plague that few survive. Those that do are forever changed but immune to further infection by the plague. The Church has instated an order of survivor clerics, The Holy Order of Comforters, to bring aid to those afflicted with the plague and to fight those who would take advantage of the lawless times for personal gain. Of all the peoples of the land, the rats have the greatest survival rate by far. They have come to dominate the Holy Order and so the Comforters have come to be called Plaguerats.

All Plaguerats carry two weapons. One weapon they are free to choose, whatever they feel is necessary for their defense. The other weapon is holy incense that holds the plague at bay and soothes those afflicted. The incense is kept burning at all times in hopes of driving the plague from the land once and for all.

Para Sati was a slave until the plague took her master. Now she is free and serves the Church as a Plaguerat. Because of her past she is sympathetic to the plight of slaves and will endeavor to free any slave she encounters. Prismacolor markers and Ink.

"Plaguerat 2"
Father Dafid was a simple village priest before the plague came. He lost his sight to the plague, and the entire population of his village. He now serves all who suffer from the plague. Prismacolor markers and Ink.

"Plagurat 3"
Sir Tellen was a noble knight in the service of the king when he was struck with the plague. When he recovered, the king released him from his knightly obligations so that he could serve the Church as a Plaguerat. Prismacolor markers and Ink.

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